The Best App Startup Growth Strategy For Each Business Stage

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The world is full of great app ideas – unfortunately, very few of them will ever reach the App Store. Even with a great business plan, the vast majority of new apps are bound to fail. And for the very few that do manage to survive the first year after launch, only a small fraction will ever […]

The Most Important App Metrics To Track For Startup Success

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The great baseball legend Yogi Berra once said,“If you don’tknow where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” While this lesson is applicable across almostany area of life – it’s especially critical in app development. Here’s the caveat; while an end goal is ofcritical importance, what is equally as important is being able to […]

How To Advertise An App For Maximum Exposure

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Developing an awesome app is hard work, but when it’s finally launched into the market, that’s where the real work begins. Many app developers and app entrepreneurs know how to create an app, but they have no idea how to advertise an app. The truth is, the mobile app market is highly competitive and advertising apps properly can be extremely difficult […]

How to Make Your App Go Insanely Viral

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From the offices of app startups to the boardrooms ofmultinational corporations, going “viral” has been a huge topic of discussion over the last several years. Viraltraction is organic and quick acting, and if taken advantage of, can put your product or service in front ofmillions of eyes in the matter of days or even hours. […]