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Music App Business Plan

Types of Music Apps Tips for Writing A Music App Business Plan Need An Investor-Ready Music App Business Plan? Musicians and music fans have benefited greatly from the rise in technology over the last two decades. New music apps have given listeners the opportunity to find and stream music instantly, while they’ve provided musicians with new ways to learn and connect. Today, some innovative music app startups are raising millions of dollars in investment. However, if you’re going to impress investors, you will need a detailed and effective music app business plan. Types of Music Apps Since the launch of the app stores, hundreds of new music apps have been introduced to the market. These apps range across a variety of categories Including but not limited to: Streaming Apps : From Pandora to Tidal and beyond, music streaming has become a part of our every day lives. There are dozens of music streaming apps on the market that allow users to browse new music and stream it directly without having to download it first. Magazine and Media:Music-based media startups have launched a variety of mobile apps to allow music fans to keep up on their favorite genres and artists. These apps may provide new music, reviews, news, and more. Concert Scheduling : Scheduling apps for concerts and music events fall into this category. These apps allow users to browse, search and discover new events, and may even allow for ticket purchasing and more. With so many music apps out there, it can be hard to compete – both in attracting consumers and attracting investors. To even get an investor to read your music app business plan – your plan will need to truly stand out from the average music app business plan. Tips for Writing A Music App Business Plan Those writing a business plan for a music tech startup will need to consider several factors as they introduce their concept to investors. Although the format of your plan will generally follow the same layout as other app business plans, there are some differences. Here are three of our biggest tips for writing a music app business plan. Solve a Real Problem Music in itself is such a dominant force that many music startups forget to address a real problem. Access to music, on its own, is no longer a challenge to consumers. There are dozens of leading apps out there that allow consumers access to music. For your music app to succeed, it should solve a real problem that other apps fail to solve. New streaming apps, for example, won’t make an impact if they don’t offer something more than just streaming. Tidal, for instance, offers better incentives to artists and exclusive content for consumers – solving additional problems outside of just music access. There are so many music apps out there and it can be difficult to really define a true unique selling proposition. Whether your app serves listeners, artists, or music creators, you will face a great…

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