What Is The Best Business Plan Format?

Let’s face it, writing a business plan
isn’t as easy as it looks. Sure, you know your business – but putting it in a business plan format that
investors can easily digest can be tricky. Developing an investor-ready business plan can be a major undertaking
– especially if you’ve never written one – but if you are seeking funding for your business, you will likely
need one.  

Sometimes, your business plan will need to do all the speaking for you. In some occasions,
potential investors may ask to see your business plan before they agree to listen to your pitch. The unfortunate
part is, an investor’s attention span may be extremely limited to businesses they aren’t already familiar with. If
your information isn’t structured into the right business plan format, you may lose their attention quickly.

At ThinkLions, we have worked with hundreds of businesses; helping them create winning
business plans and raise funding for their app
. After years of developing our process, we have put together a tried-and-proven simple business
plan format that has worked for many of our clients. In this article, we’ll discuss the business planning process,
examine what you need to do before writing your business plan, explain how to develop the best business plan model,
and introduce our business proposal outline.


Before You Write Your Business Plan

Writing a business plan isn’t the first step you should take in bringing your idea to life.
Every day that you actively advance your business, you will uncover new information that will be important to add to
your plan. By nature, basic business plans are full of projections. However, if you haven’t done the necessary work
beforehand, you won’t have the data needed to make an honest assessment of your business. Knowing how to format a
business plan is part of the formula, but the preparation is key to success. 

How to write a business plan - preparing your strategy

Your business plan format is important, but it’s more important to make sure that you have
met the milestones required to prove the potential of your idea. Before you write your business plan, put the
necessary time and effort into accomplishing the following:

  1. Know Your Market: Having a fantastic idea means very little if it doesn’t
    solve a real problem for a real market. The majority of your business plan will center around proving that a
    market and market demand actually exists. Before writing your business plan, identify your initial market of
    focus. Learn everything there is to know about your customer. Go out and talk to real consumers. Join forums and
    online communities where your consumers hang out. Find their pain points. Listen to what they say about
    competitors. Get to know them intimately. The more you know about your audience, the better you will understand
    their needs and desires.
  2. Validate Your Idea: Once you know who your market is, you should test your
    idea with them and validate your assumptions. Before you write a business plan and ask an investor to invest in
    your idea, make sure your idea is worth investing in. Build a minimal viable
    product (MVP) and launch it
    to a limited audience. Adapt your product until you’ve truly created
    something that effectively solves a problem and is in demand by your market.
  3. Gather Data: Google is a great source of information, but if you are going
    to impress investors, you need real primary data from real customers of your business. As you validate your MVP,
    monitor important metrics such as cost per
    acquisition, conversion rate, and etc. This data will be used to show traction, forecast trends, and will act as
    a foundation for your financial projections.

The ThinkLions Business Plan Format

There’s nothing fancy about the business plan format we use at ThinkLions, but it’s a layout
that has worked for our business plan writers
over and over again. Furthermore, we’ll give you a few tips for each section – tips that we’ve gathered over years
and years of developing startup business plans. Click below to download our business plan format doc. 

Best business plan format download button

Executive Summary

Although the executive summary should be written last, it appears first in the business plan
outline. In the executive summary, you will give a quick overview of the most notable details. This section should
touch on all aspects of your business including the problem, solution, competition, marketing strategy, founding
team and financial projections – but in a condensed manner. Although the executive summary is a component of the
business plan, it should be strong enough to stand alone as its own document.

Here are a few tips to make sure your executive summary is as strong as possible:

  1. Write it last – Think of your executive summary like the back of a novel. The
    book itself shouldn’t be built off the summary, but the other way around. Write the rest of the business
    plan first, and then use the executive summary to summarize the most important points. 
  2. Make it persuasive – Your executive summary should display the highlights of
    your business and build curiosity within the reader. It should make readers want to read the rest of your
    plan to find out more. Fail to gain their attention with the executive summary and they may not even read
    the rest of the plan.
  3. Get to the point – The executive summary should be brief – about one to two
    pages is ideal. Be brief, but powerful. Make sure every word counts. Don’t dive too deep though, you’ll have
    the rest of the business plan to get into the intimate details.

Company Details

After the executive summary, we officially start our business plans with details about the
business itself. This includes a company summary with milestones and history; short-term and long-term objectives;
and the mission and vision statement.

Company Summary

Start off this section with a quick description of your company. Provide a great elevator
pitch and talk about the milestones that you’ve accomplished to date.

Here are a few tips to make sure you nail this part of the business plan:

    1. Show progress: As mentioned previously, before you write your
      business plan (and definitely before you start approaching investors); validate your assumptions by
      launching a minimal viable product. Show your progress to date. Explain how your progress proves that a
      demand truly exists for your product or service.
    2. Tell the company story: Don’t get too lengthy here, but give
      readers an idea of how you started your business. Provide context to how the founders realized that a
      real customer problem existed. This section gives you the opportunity to really connect with readers and
      to get them excited about your business.
    3. Provide metrics: Even if you have fantastic writing skills, it’s
      the numbers, stats, and metrics that investors really pay attention to. Show your most outstanding
      metrics here. If you have 1,000 customers already using your solution, explain it in detail. Or, if you
      have already started earning revenue, showcase how much revenue you’ve earned so far. Likewise, if you
      have generated fantastic marketing metrics, tell readers about it and explain why it matters!

    Before you start talking about the strategy to meet your goals, you need to make
    those goals known. Think about your financial goals, your user objectives, the goals you have for the
    development of your product, your team ambitions and more. In some way or another, every section in our
    business plan format will be used to describe the steps you will take to meet these goals and objectives.

    Mission/Vision Statement

    Construct a great mission and vision statement and include it here. Think deeply
    about what your company really is, who you serve, and what you stand for. The best mission statements are
    short and to the point, but powerful enough that readers can easily comprehend why the company needs to

    Products and Services

    You’ve already given a summarized version of what your business is, but now you will
    get into the real detail of your actual product or service. In this section, describe the product’s features
    and abilities. Consider the features that set your products apart from competitors. If you’re in the
    ideation stage, your product may not physically exist yet; but this section should be written so well that
    readers can easily visualize it. If you have a physical product, add images or 3D product blueprints. If you
    are an app startup, show screenshots of the app or wireframe images.

    Industry and Customer Analysis

    customer analysis for business plan

    Every business plan format will include some type of industry and customer analysis.
    These are the sections where you will include research to prove that a market and demand actually exists for
    your product or service.

    Industry Analysis

    Don’t assume that you will be successful just because you have a cool product.
    Successful businesses are those that solve a problem for a specific market (or multiple markets).
    Furthermore, even if you can prove a market exists – you still need to prove that the market is actually in
    demand for the product or service your offer.

    Select the market that is best served by your product or service. Research it deeply.
    Find the data and statistics that support your case and explain why those stats are important. Look at how
    the market has grown historically, and identify trends that show where it will grow in the future.

    Customer Personas

    Once you’ve identified the markets you will serve, it’s important to also explain
    exactly who your customer is. How old are they? What do they do for a living? Are there specific challenges
    do they face? Which publications do they read? What podcasts do they listen to? Who are the influencers that
    they follow online? Where do they live? What are their interests? The more you know about who your customer
    is, the more effectively you will be able to reach and serve them.

    Detail your ideal customer as if they were a real person. Give them a name and write
    this section in a way where a reader can immediately understand who your customer is. After giving life to
    your customer persona, answer this question – how does your business solve their specific problem?

    Marketing Strategy

    The marketing strategy will explain specifically how you will reach the market and
    convert them into buyers of your product or service.

    Pricing & Positioning

    In this section, you will explain your pricing strategy and showcase how your
    business will bring in revenue. Will you succeed by being cheaper than competitors? Will you provide a
    ‘luxury’ service or product and charge more than less-luxurious competitors? Consider how your product will
    be positioned in comparison to competitors and display the prices you have selected for each product or
    service you offer.

    SWOT Analysis

    The SWOT

    will allow you to describe your business’ strengths and weaknesses; the opportunities that you will
    capitalize on; and the threats the business will face. Typically, a SWOT Analysis is presented in a matrix
    with bulleted points, but we advise adding a section under the matrix that explains each point in more

    Marketing & Promotional Techniques

    Since you’ve already launched a minimal viable product to the market, you should have
    an idea of what techniques you need to capitalize on to reach your audience. There are many different
    marketing strategies you can implement from SEO to influencer marketing to ads and beyond, but you should
    only focus on the most effective strategies that will allow you to quickly acquire new customers with a low

    how long should a business plan be - marketing strategy

    Furthermore, explain the expenses involved with implementing each strategy and the
    return on investment that you expect. If you mention Facebook marketing, explain how much you will put
    towards marketing each month, how much you will spend per click, and what percentage will convert into
    paying customers.

    Competitive Analysis

    The competitive analysis should thoroughly detail how your solution compares to your
    competitors’ solutions. To make it easily digestible, consider adding a table that shows each feature of
    your business and product; and show how it compares to the features that your competitors offer.

    Also, tell about your competitive advantages. What makes you special? Why should
    consumers choose your solution over the competition? Even if your business is closely similar to the
    competition, there should be something that makes it unique. Explain your unique selling points and what
    makes your business stand out amongst others.

    Operational Strategy

    There is much more to operating a business than just having a good idea. Bad
    operations can quickly derail a business, while a strong operational strategy can help catapult a startup to
    success. In our business plan format, we focus on several main areas of operation – Location, Quality
    Control, Customer Service, Staffing & Training, and Organizational Structure.

    best business plan format - operation strategy
    Quality Control

    No matter if you are offering a physical product, a service, or a software – quality
    is key. Maintaining quality though can be harder than it seems.

    • When dealing with physical products, it’s important to figure out how your
      product will be manufactured and how you will ensure that the manufacturers are maintaining a
      high-quality standard. Explain how quality will be assessed at each stage from manufacturing to
      final delivery.
    • Those offering services will often need to depend upon their employees and
      staff to deliver the best level of service to customers. Employees that deliver underwhelming
      services can cause customers to perceive the entire brand negatively. In this section, describe the
      processes you will put in place to help employees deliver the best services, and how these services
      will be assessed for quality.
    • Software products can be extremely fickle. One line of bad code could
      potentially crash an entire system. In this section of the business plan format, consider how you
      will deal with bugs and software updates. Describe your relationship with your developers – will
      they be in-house or third party? If a third party will be used, how will you ensure that they will
      be available to quickly address bugs found in the product?
    Customer Service

    Let’s face it, even the strongest brands are faced with dissatisfied customers every
    now and then. The way in which you deal with these dissatisfied customers will be critical to your success
    as a business. A single detractor can potentially turn away dozens of potential customers with one bad
    online review. In fact, consumer reviews are
    trusted up to 12 times more
    than a manufacturer’s description. The way in which you serve your
    customers, and not just the happy ones, will play heavily on how much consumers trust your brand.

    In this section, address exactly how you will deal with customer dissatisfaction.
    Will you have a no-questions-asked return policy or will you only allow returns after 7 days? If a customer
    is dissatisfied by the service your employees provided, will you send someone else out to fix it? The steps
    you take to remedy your customer situations may have immediate implications on your financials – for
    example, a recall could cost a business millions of dollars. However, the impact of a dissatisfied customer
    (or several) will cost much more in lost business and diminished brand trust.

    Staffing & Training

    Unfortunately, your personal capacity is limited – there are only so many hours in
    the day and so much energy you can exert before you become overwhelmed. For any successful B-quadrant business, having the right
    staff in place at the right time is critical.

    For this section, thoroughly assess what your staffing needs will need to be over the
    next 3-5 years to meet the goals that you outlined in the “Objectives” section. If your objective is to
    scale 10x over the next year, you will also need to scale your team so that there is enough capacity to meet
    that goal. If your goal is to expand internationally within 3 years, you may need to hire international
    staff to manage things on-the-ground in these regions. Each position should be reflected in your business
    plan, along with their expected date of hire and salaries.

    Unfortunately, employees don’t come already trained. Even if they are highly
    experienced in their specific area, they will likely need some guidance. How will you train them for
    success? Will you have a specific training program that each employee must attend? If so, this is the
    section to talk about it!

    Organizational Structure

    Now that you know what employees you will need to hire, you can create a simple
    hierarchy structure that shows who will manage each department and which positions will fall within those

    Management Team

    Great businesses don’t build themselves. Instead, they are built by fantastic teams
    who have the right skills and backgrounds. An amazing business idea without a great founding team is like a
    racehorse without a jockey – it may have potential, but it’s the rider that pushes it to success. In this
    section of the business plan format, show that you have the right team and right advisors to launch, grow,
    and scale a profitable business.

    business plan format - team and management
    Management Bios

    The most effective teams have several motivated members who each have skill sets that
    complement one another and contribute to the overall progress of the business. When writing the bio for each
    member, consider the following:

    • Background: Take a look at the background of each team member. Do they have
      past experiences that will help move the business forward?
    • Skills: What skills are necessary to successfully implement the steps
      described in the business plan? Are all of these skills present in your current team?
    • Contribution & Responsibility: What tasks are each individual responsible
      for? What have they contributed to the business thus far?
    Advisor Bios

    Great founding teams also have extensive networks with advisors that they can turn to
    for advice and insight. Businesses often face challenges, but by relying on the experiences of others, teams
    can often avoid certain obstacles or solve them quickly.

    In this section of the business plan format, provide a short bio for the advisors
    that have committed to working with you. Detail who they are, what achievements they have made, and the
    highlights of their backgrounds.

    Financial Projections

    When writing your own business plan, the financial model is likely where you will
    find the most difficulty. If you are a startup, your financial model will include future projections with a
    3-5 year window. If you are writing a plan for an existing business, the model will include financials from
    the previous several years, along with future projections. In most cases, a proper financial model will

    • Profit and Loss Statement: Summarizes projected revenue, costs and expenses.
    • Balance Sheet: Displays the company’s assets, liabilities and equity at a
      specific point in time, showing a balance between outgoing and income funds.  
    • Cash Flow Statement: Shows how the cash balance is affected by changes in
      balance sheet accounts. Also shows the impact of investing and financing activities.

    Here’s the major tip for developing the financial model for your business plan –
    minimize assumptions. While there will be certain things that you will need to assume it’s best when your
    model uses real numbers.

    • The best financial model uses past financial history to forecast future
      revenues, expenses, and profits. For startups, this may mean launching a minimal viable product,
      getting it in the hands of real users, and generating real stats.
    • An average financial model uses secondary data from highly reliable sources,
      studies, and surveys. However, secondary research only relates to the overall industry – while using
      real numbers from your business relates directly to how your business performs within the overall
      industry. Secondary research is good, but statistics may vary from one study to another. Make sure
      you only use data from high-quality and reputable sources.
    • The least effective financial models are full of assumptions. In these plans,
      entrepreneurs guess what their expenses will be, what portion of the market they can reach, and how
      much revenue they can generate; instead of backing it up with real data and research.

    Funding Requirement

    Finally, reveal your financial ask and explain exactly why you need that amount.
    Itemize where each dollar will be spent to give readers a clear understanding of your financial
    requirements. Lastly, state the amount of equity will be given in exchange for the investment – based upon
    the current value of your startup.

    Exit Strategy

    startup business plan - exit strategy

    Some business plan writers choose to include an exit strategy, while some do not.
    Some investors will require it so that they can get an idea of when they will receive their investment back
    along with a major payoff. Others, however, know that the future of a startup is totally uncertain, and
    therefore, they don’t really pay much attention to this section.

    Whether you decide to include the exit strategy in your business plan format is up to
    you – but if you do, here are a few tips:

    • Research similar businesses that had a successful and profitable exit. Were
      they acquired? Did they merge with another business? Did they go public? Explain how other similar
      businesses were able to exit and why you believe your business will be able to exit in a similar
    • Tie your exit into your financial projections and show a projected valuation. Furthermore,
      show how an XX% ownership in the company (whatever percentage an investor would receive for matching
      your financial ask) will multiply in returns at exit based upon that valuation.

    Using Our Business Plan Format

    Unfortunately, just having a great business plan format isn’t enough – now you have
    to actually write your plan. When creating your business plan, stick to the facts. Investors have short
    attention spans when it comes to even a simple business plan, and too much fluff will quickly diminish their
    interest. The length of your
    business plan
    is important, but the quality of the information is what will get you funded. 

    Furthermore, some investors (and banks) may have specific business plan formats that
    they prefer. Make sure to do your research on their specific requirements before writing and submitting your
    business plan.

    Need help getting your business plan together? Contact us
    and schedule a consultation with one
    of our business plan experts!